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Monday, May 24, 2010

Wisdom Teachings Three Javanese Sufi Master

Book Title: Three Sufi Master Java Authors: H. Hadi Murtadlo Publisher: LKIS, Yogyakarta Prints: 1, February 2010 Thickness: 250 pages Peresensi: Ahmad Hasan MS *)
Ulama or kiai figure commonly known for his example suri, yatiu how to conduct the practice of Shari'ah (charity) daily. In addition, scholars can figure occupies a special space in the hearts of the people for the statements, wills, testament or cue-cue them to the nearest oreang and the students and the community. It's natural to scholars by KH buffer kazanah Aziz Mashuri become the valuable Islamic culture.
Three books of Sufi Master Java try to explain "the discourse of spiritual" or the spiritual messages of the three figures Javanese kiai land; Muslih Bin Sheikh Abdur Rahman al-Maraqy (Mranggen Demak), Sheikh Tamim Romli (Rejoso Jombang), and Shaykh Muhammad Amin Bin Dimyathi al-Bantany (Cidahu Bantam). Spiritual messages from the three figures who became the great teacher (Mursyid) in Java land this kind of store Sufi doctrine Qadiriyah Wa Ala Thariqoh Naqsyabandsiyah and Thariqoh Syadziliyah.
In this book the author divides the discourse into three parts Happenings three famous Sufi teacher in this java universe. In the first part be explained about the spiritual discourse from Abuya Dimyathi. Abuya Dimyathi a charismatic cleric from Banten. Spiritual discourses can be a shade of thirsty people. Discourse-discourse Abuya have high quality as a remedy for a sick soul, an oasis for the soul at the same time the arid kingdom Nur godlike that controls the heart, with the millions of angels on guard there, who can expel the dark (zhulumat) and demons and armies (junudus syaithon ) of the human heart.
In Wejangannya, became Mursyid Thariqoh origin is not granted, but through certain conditions. At least, there are three requirements to become a Mursyid. First, a Mursyid when it became a spiritual mentor and guide, should be cooked in mastering science scholars. Second, one must also understand Mursyid understand the wisdom of the people who already Ma'rifat Billah. Third, a well mastered Mursyid tactics and strategy for the ruler (king or political leader).
Three criteria were first proposed by the leader has actually Thariqoh Qadiriyah, namely Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Gilani. Results of ijtihad Shaikh Abdul Qadir Gilani was recorded by Shaykh Abu Ja'far al-litany in the Book Lujainid Dany. Because of universal values, according to the author is valid in any movement to the present congregation. This criterion requires that the scholars who truly pious, religious and wisdom of experts and actively guiding and closer to the people.
In particular, Abuya Dimyathi also has the minutes of which cater to the people in Wa Naqsyabandiyah Qadiriyah Tariqat pursue. Among al-Qadr ashl treatise which contains the names of friends expert wisdom teachings of war and the full moon. Also Al-Qasar Rasn book that explains about the importance of Hidzib Nasr. Also the book of al-jalaliyyah hadiyyah explaining Happenings isnaad, Syadziliyah Thariqoh characteristics, and suitability for the Salik in bertaqarrub to God.
In the second part contains about spiritual discourse Romli Sheikh Tamim, Rejoso, Jombang, the charismatic cleric who mennadi Mursyid Thariqoh Qadiriyah Naqsyabandiyah Wa. One of the work of Shaykh al-Romli was Tsamnrah Fikriyah containing about Sufi doctrine for expert thareqat and Sufism. In wejangannya, Shaikh said that the road to Romli wushul (ma'rifat billah) for the students Thariqoh is by how seriously implement the following three things.
First, develop Khafi Dhikr (dhikr vague) or dhikr in the heart. The trick with bringing the total heart always remember God in all circumstances. Second, muraqabah, that is always trying to catch up and closer to Allah. In the tambourine wukuf godlike, thareqah students should always expect to prejudice good (Khusnudzon) against the God-given gift.
Third, by the way khidmah (devotion), that is faithful to the waiter for teachers who have given Talqin Dhikr, kaifiyah, and Jam'iyyah and also willing to provide themselves to become servants for the other students-students. Competing with each other in goodness as well as trying to be useful for others. Three way this is done sincerely, and istiuqomah with total surrender to God.
In the third section, the authors explain the particulars of spiritual discourse Sheikh Muslih Mranggen. Sheikh Muslih Mranggen known as Wa Naqsyabandiyah Qadiriyah Thareqah Mursyid who have the depth of knowledge and clarity of the liver. One of his works are quite popular is Futuhat Rabbaniyah describing exposure to Sufi doctrine Ma'rifat godlike. Other works are also not less popular is the an-Nur al-Sharh Burhani is (explanation ad Lujain Dani Book) by Shaykh Abu Ja'far al-Brzanji who narrated biography sultan al-Auliya Jailany Shaykh Abdul Qadir.
In ar-Rabbaniyah Futuhat, Shaikh Muslih in detail explain about how students in running thareqah, especially the doctrine which he calls "Ath Ilmi Mabadi Thariqoh which discusses the basis Thariqoh qadiriyah naqsyabandiyah wa. One lesson is berfiqh strands should be coupled with Sufism. "Those who simply hold on to the formality of fiqh, without the practice of Sufism, then it could fall at a fasiq behavior. And whoever try bertasawuf no guidance syara 'then he could fall into pagan zindiq. And whosoever bertasawuf and run guidance syara '(fiqh) and he will arrive at the essence and authenticity. "(P. 203).
This book is an interesting read for anyone who wanted to recognize closer Happenings legacy of three great scholars and mystics java selub teachings and outs of life. But readers do not necessarily disappointed because this book is not just a flake but a special biography of thought and the soothing strands hiikmah. A book containing the wisdom teaching of the three Javanese Sufi teacher who continues to be remembered throughout the ages.
*) Peresensi is Santri Hashim Ash'ari Yogyakarta. Active also in PWNU DIY

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