Samsung SyncMaster CQA4147, 4143, 4147, 4153 (L)
Monitor is not on, a fuse FH601 is open. Check of PTC601, D601-D604, C604, R603, Q602, R622, C613, D608. Monitor is not on, a fuse FH601 is good. Check D614, C618, Q603, D613, C618, R616, R617, IC601, Q602, D607, D609, Q602, OP601. Monitor is not on, from the power supply unit is cheep. Check of OP601, C609, D611, D610, C610, Q601, IC602, D618, C626, D619, C644, C627, C630, D620, C629, D621, C631, IC603, Q607, C640, D622, C632, D605, D606, C605. The power supply is not work, the monitor is not on. Check of IC201, Q205, Q204. The one of color is bad. Check of D101, D102, R102, R101, C101, R103, IC101, IC102, R107, D103, D104, D105, C106, R108, R109. No pictures. Check of IC102, D405, C414, Q502, D505, D301, R460, R308. Monitor is not on. Check of Q206, Q404, Q403, IC402, Q408, Q401, Q402, Q406, C410, Q405, Q407, L403, L401, L402. Vertical line. Check of IC401, Q405, Q407, Q406, L402, D407, D406, L401. Horizontal line. Check of IC301, R304. No framing. Check of R470, R471, IC301.
Samsung CST 7677L, CST7687L.
Monitor is not on, a fuse F601 is open. Check of TH601, R606, D602, IC601, C610, C613, R607, C611, D601, C609, C608, C615, D619, IC605, Q604,C622, R623, R626, IC602, R627, D610. Monitor is not on, a fuse F601 is good. Check IC605, T603, Q607, Q609, IC606, Q608, C617, D605, IC602. The power supply working is bad. Check of Q503, C623, D607. Vertical line. Check of IC401, Q406, Q407, Q408, Q409, IC201, IC203, IC403, IC402, Q405, IC302, R484, C437, C470, D410, D409, D425, D411. The size of horizotal is bad. Check of IC201, Q410, Q411, Q412, Q413, C450, C452, C451, C449, C453, RL401, Q423. Monitor is not on, the ordinary mode is works. Check of R508, Q504, R513, R505, C505, Q503, R504, Q505, R509, Q501, IC501, D506, D523, D508, D509, IC302, Q593. The Q505, Q504 is so warm. Check it and of D521, C510, T502. No synchronizing on lines. Check of IC110, Q401, C402, IC302. No framing. Check of Q106, Q107, IC110, Q301, IC302. Horizontal line. Check of R320, C315, R329, IC301. The pictures in left and right is bad. Check of C311, C316, C317, C315, C313, C312, D301. No operative regulations. Check of SW2a-SW201, IC201, IC203. No save regulations. Check of IC202, Q203, Q204, IC201. The one of color is bad. Check of RR42, CR1, IC101, QR2, RR17, CR8, RR19, CR9, IC102, CR11, Q1, RG42, CG1, QG2, RG17, CG8, RG19, CG9, CG11, Q2, RB42, CB1, QB2, RB17, RB14, CB9, CB8, CB11, Q3. Turning of balance white possible to realize R11, R12, R13, but range of videosignal - VRB1, VRG1, VRR1. No indication on display. Check of IC105, IC111. Not work a regulation of contrast. Check of Q512, VR504, Q511, D103, C102, LF101, C136, VR3, IC101.
Samsung CVL495
Monitor is not on, a fuse F601 is open. Check of D601-D604, C613, IC601. Monitor is not on, a fuse F601 is good. Check R602, R603, R604, D606, IC601, R606, C616, VR601, D607. Output voltage of power supply is not good and not adjust VR601. Check of C616, VR601, IC601. On screen of monitor distinctive hindrances. Check of T602, D608, IC601. No pictures. Check of IC602, Q201, Q202, D211, C204. The one of color is bad. Check of FT101, R101, D101, D102, VR101, IC101, Q101-Q104. Not work a regulation of bright to VR501. Check of VR501, VR101, R507, Q501, D501, D502, C501, C503, R501. Not work a regulation of contrast. Check of Q187, R198, VR191, Q186, C189, D190. No framing. Check of D202, D205, IC201, IC401. Adjust VR301. No synchronizing on lines. Check of D203, D206, IC201, C402-C409, R403-R409, IC401. Operates protection of power supply on overloading. Check of Q402, D405, D409, C421, C423, T402. No high voltage. Check of T402, R434, Q402, C421, C423, D406, D409, D410. Vertical line. Check of C423, C424. The focus is bad, the brightness a bad. Check of T402. The size of horizotal is not adjust. Check of Q403, Q404, C425. Horizontal line. Check of IC301. The pictures in up and buttom is bad. Check of C311, C322, C309, C310, C313. The pictures is shift upwards or downwards. Check of C317, Q306, Q307, D305-D307. The size of vertical is bad. Check of R308, R309, VR302, Q303, IC301.
Samsung CVM-496*P, CVM-478*P
Monitor is not on, a fuse F601 is open. Check of D601-D604, PR501, C613, B601, C610, D610, Q602, D608, IC601. From the power supply is cheep, sometimes flies Q602. Check of IC602, Q601, IC603, IC601, Q603, D613, D614, D616, D619, C613, C633, C636, C641. Monitor is not on, a fuse F601 is good. Check Q603, D612, D611, C624, C621, C618, IC602, Q602, D608, R602. Vertical line. Check of Q403, Q404, IC302, L403, C427, Q402. From the transformer is strong cheep, sometimes operates of the power supply protection. The picture is bad. Check of T402, C456, C462, D457, C464, D404, Q459, C433, Q402, T401, D456, Q456-Q458. The pictures is very bright and is not adjust. The Q454, Q402 is warm. Check of Q456-Q459. The raster is bad. Check of IC301, Q403, Q404, Q406. Adjust of VR303, VR307. The pictures is shift left or right. Check of D406, D407, SW401. Horizontal line. Check of Q604, Q606, R302, C308, R323, IC301. The pictures on vertical is bad. Check of C303, C366, C307, IC301. No framing. Check of D301, C304, IC301. The pictures is shift upwards or downwards. Check of Q301, Q302, D303-D305, C308, IC301. Adjust of VR304. No pictures. Check of IC101, VR502, D408, C434, Q501. The one of color is bad. Check of QB03, QR03, QG03, QR04, QB04, QG04.
Samsung CVP 423P/486PL
Monitor is not on, a fuse F601 is open. Check of D601-D604, PR601, Q602, IC601. Monitor is not on, a fuse F601 is good. Check Q602, R613, R614, IC601. Output voltage of power supply is not good and not adjust VR601. Check of IC602, D615, Q601, D611, Q603. On screen of monitor distinctive hindrances. Check of C626, C627, D609, D620, IC601. No pictures, high voltage is it. Check of IC201, IC101. The one of color is bad. Check of IC101, QR01-QR04, QG01-QG04, QB01-QB04. Not work a regulation of contrast. Check of D503, Q502, Q203. The pictures is very bright and is not adjust. Check of D408, C434, R501, VR501. No synchronizing. Check of IC604, IC201, X201. No synchronizing on lines. Check of D209, IC201, VR402, C408, C412, C415,R406, R408, IC401. The pictures is shift left or right, edge of pictures is enfolded. Check of VR401, C403, IC401. No framing. Check of D206, IC201, Q202, C304, IC301. Sometimes operates of the power supply protection. Check of Q402, D457, D403, D404, T402. No high voltage. Check of Q459, Q444, Q452-Q458, IC451, Q401, C416, T401, C431, C433, C424, C429, Q402. Vertical line. Check of C427, C433, C499. Adjust the horizintal size of picture to VR306 is bad. Check of C429, C431, C433, Q403, Q404, C423, IC302, VR306. Horizontal line. Check of R302, C308, IC301. The pictures in up and bottom is bad. Check of C308, C303, C311, C312. The pictures is shift upwards or downwards and not adjust to VR304. Check of C314, Q301-Q303. The size on vertical is not adjust. Check of IC201, IC301, C303, VR201, VR301.
Samsung SyncMaster CQB 4147, 4143, 4157, 4153 (L)
Monitor is not on, a fuse F601 is open. Check of D601-D604, C601-C604, IC601, IC602, Q602, C613, D608. Monitor is not on, a fuse F601 is good. Check L601, Q206, Q207, IC201, Q601, R616-R618, Q603, D613, C616, C618, Q602, OP601, IC602, D606. Output voltage of power supply is not good. Check of D606, IC602, OP601, IC601. No framing. Check of D281, IC201, IC401, C402, C403, C406. No pictures. Check of IC201. Not work a regulation of contrast. Check of Q203, C108, D501, Q501, D502, D503, C501, IC101. No high voltage, no raster. Check of Q408, C434, C413, D408, IC402, Q415, Q404, C418, C422, C423, D406, D407, Q403. Vertical line. Check of C420, C421. The size of picture is not adjust. Check of Q414, VR404, C409, C410, C421, Q405-Q407. Horizontal line. Check of R304, IC301. The pictures in up and bottom is bad. Check of C402-C406.
Samsung SyncMaster 15Ge, 15GLe, 4NE
Monitor is not on, a fuse F601 is open. Check of D601-D604, C601-C604, IC601, Q601, C607, C608. Monitor is not on, a fuse F601 is good. Check L601, L602, IC601, Q601, IC604, IC605, R602, R603, Q602, D610, C616. Output voltage of power supply is not good and not adjust VR601. Check of D626, IC602, IC603, IC601. On screen is colour heel. Check IC201, Q608, RL601, PR601. The regulations on panels is not work. Check of IC201. No balance of white. Check C224, C225, C229-C232, IC201. No pictures. Check of Q102, Q101, IC101. Not work a regulation of contrast. Check of Q173, Q172, D174, Q181, Q182, IC101. No high voltage, no raster. Check of IC201, IC401, C401-C410, R698, L403, D406, T402, Q407-Q411, C476, C477, C462, D410, D411. Horizontal line. Check of C301-C303, C435, C436, IC401, R310, IC301, C310, C311. Not corrected the horizontal garbling of raster. Check of IC402, Q402, Q403, IC401. Vertical line. Check of C453, C462, C463, D410. The size of horizotal is bad and is not adjust. Check of IC402-1, IC402-2, Q421, Q412, Q413, C451. The flyback lines. Check R456, D413, C455. The distortions on vertical. Check of C306, C308, C310, C312.
Samsung SyncMaster 17GLM
Monitor is not on, a fuse F601 is open. Check of D662-D665, C605, Q603, IC601, C609, C610, D696, D610. Monitor is not on, a fuse F601 is good. Check Q601-Q603, R611, R613, D606, D607, IC601, IC651. Output voltage of power supply is not good. Check VR601, R939, IC601. On screen of monitor distinctive hindrances. Check of T602, C611, IC601. Monitor is not on. Check IC205, C221, CR201, D105, ZD103, ZD104, IC201. On screen is colour heel. Check IC201, Q601, RL601. The regulations on panels is not work. Check of D203-D205, IC201. Is not display information on screen of monitor in mode of regulations. Check IC201, IC103, IC104. The size of horizotal is bad and is not adjust. Check of IC201, R214, C206, IC302. No balance of white. Check IC201, R243-R247, R255, R256, C226-C231, IC105. Not work a regulation of brightness. Check of C516, T503, VR172, C552. The flyback lines. Check Q505, Q409, Q301, Q302. Not work a regulation of contrast. Check of D554, VR602, C554, C555, Q511, IC101. No high voltage, no raster. Check of C404-C410, IC401, Q402, Q403. No synchronizing on lines. Check of IC401, C404-C406, C408-C410. Horizontal line. Check of C442, C491, C314-C316, IC401, IC301. No framing. Check of IC401, C314-C316. No raster, the high voltage is it. Check Q415, T401. Scene is unrolled on vertical on half of screen. Check R301, R302, IC301. Distortion on vertical. Check C304-C306, C309, C375, IC301.
Samsung SC-726 GXL
Monitor is not on, a fuse F601 is open. Check of C607, C608, IC601, Q603, HIC601, D610, C627, R628, D606, D607, T602, IC603. Monitor is not on, a fuse F601 is good. Check LF601, Q603, IC601, IC681, IC202, C232, IC201. Output voltage of power supply is not good. Check VR601, IC681, HIC601. Monitor is not on. Check IC202, X201, C232, TC202, IC201. On screen is colour heel. Check IC201, C604, Q601, RL601. The regulations on panels is not work. Check of R1-R10, D285, D286, R231, R232, R251, R252, IC201. Is not display information on screen of monitor in mode of regulations. Check IC201, IC403, Q416, Q417, IC105, IC106. No balance of white. Check IC201, R207-R209, R214, R215, C201-C206. Not work a regulation of contrast. Check of IC201, Q333, Q383, ZD881, Q881, Q802, C803. Not work a regulation of brightness. Check of VR182, D513, C516, T502. The flyback lines. Check Q805, Q301, Q302, Q804. Is not saved the page footing after switcing off. Check IC201, IC110, Q101, C145. No high voltage, no raster. Check of IC201, IC401, Q402, Q403, C407, C411, C415, Q501, T501, Q502, T502, Q503, HIC501, Q401, T401, Q407. No synchronizing on lines. Check of IC401, C407, C409, C411, C415. Horizontal line. Check of C413, C414, IC401, C415. No framing. Check of IC401, C413, C414. The size of horizotal is bad and is not adjust. Check of HIC401, T404, Q405, Q406, T402. C426, D406. Vertical line. Check of Ñ435, Ñ436.
Samsung SyncMaster 500s
No pictures, blinks the indicator "on", it snaps. Check Q409, D412, D404, D405, Q411, Q412, Q413.
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