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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Tune-up machine

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Author: bee


Some parts are inspected in regular tune-ups work the engine cooling system, fan belt, air filters, batteries, oil, spark plugs, high voltage cable, slit valves, carburetors, oil pressure and compression speed.

a. Cooling System
Check the cooling water in the tank higher reserves. If less, the content until the line FULL.
b. Check the cooling water quality. Would cause corrosion, or dirt mixed olii? Replace cooling water if necessary.

c. Double check the contents of the radiator hoses, especially the lattice-lattice and the hose.

d. Check the hose clamps. If loose, tighten it.

e. Check for leaks at the water pump, radiator core
(Core) or looseness of the water drains.

e. Check how the radiator cap.

By using test equipment radiator cap, check the spring tension and position of the radiator cap valve vacuum. Cap must be replaced, if the lid open at a pressure below the specifications or if the lid is damaged
Fan belt
a. Check the fan belt strap from wear, cracks, and tensions. Replace if necessary

b. Make sure the fan belt pulley attached at both

c. Check the fan belt flexibility by providing a pressure of
98N (10 kg) in Central · midway between two pulleys. Stel if necessary

- If you need help Loosen the alternator mounting bolts and bolt
- Movement into and out of the alternator to adjust the
- After that, tighten the bolts
Air Filter
a. Open the air filter element

See to it that there is no dirt or other objects into the carburetor

b. To clean etemen, breathe pressurized air
from the inside.
c. If the element is torn or too dirty, replace it with a

4. Batteries
a. Check the batteries of the possibility of a buffer battery weight, loose terminals, corroded or damaged terminals, the battery is damaged, or leaking.
b. Check battery water boundary should be between the upper and lower limits
(Max. and min. Level).

c. If below min, add water to a limited battery min, no more.

d. Check the specific gravity of the electrolyte with a hydrometer. Specific gravity
1.25 to 1.27 at 20 ° C.

c. Check the amount of electrolyte in each cell, if not in
at an altitude that should fill it with distilled water.

Engine oil
a. High oil should be at between L, and if lower, the possibility of a leak check and add oil. until the sign of F. Use the oil API service SE.
b. Check the possibility of dirty oil, intruding water or change color.

Changing the oil filter
a. Open the oil filter.
b. To replace the oil filter, put a few drops of engine oil on the gasternya. After that, tighten it by hand
c. After engine start, check out the possibility of oil leaks and check the back of high oil.
a. Check each spark plug center electrode of the erasure, or porselinnya crack. Replace if necessary.
b. Clean the spark plug with sand or fine wire brush is used again

c. Stel spark plug gap by bending the electrode mass

Use a wire feeler gauge to get accurate umuk

- Do not pull the spark plug wires when opened.
- When installing new or old spark plug anti-wear compound dabs or the like on the drat spark plugs.
Checking the high voltage cable
a. Disconnect the cable. At that time remove the spark plug wires, pull by holding the tip of the cord, do not hold in the middle of the cable.
b. Check the cable resistance. Cable custody less than 25 kiOHM perkabel
a. Check the distributor cap and rotor of the possibilities:
- Cracked, rusted, burnt or dirty cable hole.
- Terminal electrode burning.
- The spring is the center of the weak.

b. Check and stel platinum cracks or air gap.
- If the burn or perforated holes platinum, platinum should be replaced.
- Stel gap with the spring retaining platinum. 0.45 mm slit blocks.
- Stel air gap between the rotor coil projection, the air gap from 0.2 to 074 mm.
c. Check dwell angle with a tester.
d. Check the time of ignition.
- Set the engine speed at idle speed. Octane selector
should be adjustable in the standard position. When ignition at 950 RPM maximum 8drajat before TDC.

d. Check when the ignition.
- Sets the engine at idle rotation speed. Octane selector must be adjusted in the standard position. When the ignition 8drajat maximum 950 RPM before TDC.

- Match the signs of time by rotating the distributor body. Currently 8 ° before ignition TDC.

Do not adjustable with the octane selector

e. Check how the governor.
- The rotor must be returned immediately after the rotated clockwise and removed. The rotor must not be too loose.
- Turn on the engine and disconnect the hose from the distributor. Sign of changing times in accordance with engine speed.

Valve gap adjustment
a. Heat engine and then switch off.
b. No stel cylinder. 1 In the TMA or die point AMS (compression).
c. Tighten the cylinder head bolts and supporting the valve stem pounder (rocker arm).

d. Stal slit valve. Valve gap measured between the valve stem and rocker arm. An adjustable valve which is only just ditunju by arrows.
Slit valve:
Suction: 0.20 mm
Buaug: 0.30 mm
e. Rotate the crankshaft (cranshat) 3600.

f. Stel other valves are indicated by arrows.
Setting low rpm (idle) on the carburetor
Mode 1:
a. Release the stoppers on suction lines and plug vacuum gauge.
b. Connect the tachometer pada ignition coil.
c. Turn the engine until normal operating temperature.
d. When stationary the engine, turn the screw after the wind in and out to obtain the best round with a minimum vacuum level of 430 mm Hg.
e. Rotate the screw to set it after stationary.
f. Remove the vacuum gauge and put plugs back.

Two ways:
a. Turn on the machine.
b. Sets up the maximum speed by turning the idle speed adjustment screw.
c. Stel round of idle mixture by turning the idle speed adjustment screw. Lap mixture of approximately 800 rpm idle

d. Forward adjustment (b) and (c) to be maximum at an optimum rotation, does not depend much idle speed adjustment screw. Idle rotation of approximately 50 750 rpm.

To adjust the carburetor, see the special discussion carburetor.

Checking compression pressure
a. Make sure the engine oil and batteries have enough full stun.
b. Heat the munition until normal working temperature. Turn off the engine.
c. Remove all metal.
d. Attach the compression gauge in spark plug hole of cylinder no.1.
e. Stepped on the gas pedal down.
f. Start mesin up to the highest value of compression pressure.
g. Perform the same test the other cylinders.

Compression pressure,
Standard: 11 kg/cm2
limit: 9.0 kg/cm2

h. If low or uneven, do the retest after pouring oil into the compression cylinder lowest value
- When the compression pressure increased, meaning ring or cylinder worn pinion.
- If the pressure does not rise, his mark on the surface of the valve cylinder heads are not tight.
- If two adjacent cylinders the pressure does not rise, possible causes are the cylinder head gasket is leaking between the two cylinders

Assemble the rear suspension
The composition of the composition of the rear suspension

Figure 14.80. The composition of the rear suspension Toyota Kijang

Remove the shock absorbers and leaf springs
a. Jack and prop vehicles
b. Home prop shaft. Jack shaft house until spring leaf
become independent and stand on that position.

c. Remove the rear wheels.
d. Remove the rear shock absorbers.

1) Remove the shock absorbers of the body.

Figure 14.81

2) Remove the shock absorbers of the holder of the spring.

Figure 14. 82

e. U-bolts loose.

1) Remove the four nuts and a ring with spring holder
2) Remove the two bolts and U-holder top.

Figure 14. 83

f. Remove the leaf spring.
1) Remove the parking brake cable bracket from the leaf spring.

Figure 14.84

2) Remove the nut pen spring bracket.

Figure 14.85

3) Remove the bolt and spring bracket delimiter pen pen loose bracket.
4) Remove the nut and bolt Shackle, Shackle plate loose.
5) Remove the leaf spring from the shaft house.

Figure 14.86

g. Remove the bushing from the spring.

Figure 14.87

Replacing leaf springs
a. Loosen the spring clips, using chisels, lever spring leaves,
and clips.

Figure 14.88

b. Remove the middle bolt (center bolt). Hold the spring near the center bolt
pada vise and remove the center bolt.

Figure 14.89

c. Replace the spring clips.
1) Borlah rivet heads and remove the rivets.
2) Install the new rivets in the holes of leaf springs and clips
then kelinglah dengan hydraulic press.

Figure 14.90

d. Put the bolts middle (center bolt).
1) Tepatkan Iubang jepitlah leaf springs and leaf springs at the
2) Insert and tighten the center bolt. Moment 450
(44 Nm)

Figure 14.91

e. Bend the spring clips using a hammer. Bending clips
spring in position.
Figure 14.92

Installation of leaf springs and shock absorbers

a. Put the bushings on leaf springs.
b. Put the leaf spring.
1) Place the holder over the spring to the spring leaf.
2) Place the leaf springs at the house of pores.

Figure 14.93

3) Put the front end leaf springs at the front hanger
pen bracket pairs. Put the pen while the bracket.

4) Put the pen divider bracket bolts. Moment of 130 kg.

Figure 14.94

5) Connect the rear leaf springs on rear bracket
and put pen Shackle.
6) Place the plate and temporarily install nuts and bolts.

Figure 14. 95

7) Attach the parking brake cable bracket on the leaf spring.

Figure 14. 96

c. Place the U-bolts.
1) Attach two U-bolts on the seat top.
2) Place the spring holder and tighten the four nuts fastener.
830 moment (81 Nm).

Figure 14.97

Note: Tighten bolts-U so, so long
U-bolts are the same under the seat springs.

Gumbar 14.98
d. Attach the rear shock absorbers.
1) Put the shock absorbers in the frame with bolts. Moment 260 (25 nm).

Figure 14. 99

2) Put the spring shock absorbers with the bolt into its included stand,
260 moment (25 Nm).

Figure 14 100

e. Attach wheels and lower vehicle.
f. Stabilize suspension. Swing the vehicle to stabilize the suspension.

Figure 14 101
Tighten the spring and pen pen Shackle bracket.
1) Tighten the pen bracket. 930 Moment (91 Nm).

Figure 14 102
2) Tighten the nuts and bolts Shackle pen. 930 Moment (91 Nm).

Figure 14 103

- Make sure all the components to be assembled (mounted) already under the net.
- Give a clean engine oil to all sliding and rotating parts before assembly begins.

1. Assemble the piston and piston rod
a. Set the oil hole at the end of the piston rod position mark
opposite sign of F (Front = front) on the piston. See

b. Apply engine oil outside of the piston pin.
c. Connect to the piston and piston pin piston handlebars.

2. Install the piston ring
a. Third Pair of oil on the piston ring.
1) Put the spacer ring with engine oil and grease rails
2) Fit the oil ring spacer. Ends facing upwards:

- Rail top and bottom of the same
- Rail it could be placed back and forth.

3) Put the top and bottom rails.
b. Make sure both rails are separated by spacer pressure. Can be played
with lightweight reciprocating
- Ring of R menghadup must sign up
- Ring the two should be installed facing down effect.
c. Give the engine oil on the top piston ring and the second.
d. Attach the second ring on the piston. After that most of piston ring
above. Use the tool per-ring piston (diiual freely).
e. Arrange the ring end gap position as shown.

3. Install the piston and piston rod

Crankpin journals should not be damaged
a. Give the engine oil on cylinder walls, pistons and piston rings.
b. Check the piston ring
c. Enter the blog into a cylinder with a piston F mark facing forward engine. Use a piston ring suppressor devices (sold freely)

4. Install the crankshaft
a. Clean dirt and oil from the journal and metal.

- Fit a flow of metal sitting on the cylinder block
- Fit a metal moon with oil grooves facing the crutch dc

b. Place the metal and metal sitting on the moon.

c. Place the crankshaft on the cylinder block. Note the metal
months is not one tide.

d. Pull the piston rod downwards and to close the crankpin.
Apply grease to the lip seal and put a battery in the rear seal crankshaft

5th. Install metal seated
a. Place the metal sitting down on the metal lid.
b. Put the metal in the metal cap sits down at the rear.
c. Put the lid sit on blocks siliuder metal and attach it to the side seal alumya, on one side of the metal cap sits behind
- Each metal lid marked numbers sitting position (1-4)
- Seal the side should be installed: the more wide
facing the side of the machine.
- Tighten the bolts in accordance with the tightening moment ditentukun

6. Install the piston rod metal lid
a. Place the metal piston rod in the lid of each.
b. Give the engine oil on the surface of metal and piston handlebars.
c. Place the lid on the handlebar piston in accordance with the number sign.
d. Tighten bolts in accordance with the tightening of bolts specified.

e. Turn the crank shaft and make sure that can be played sccara light.

7. Install the oil pump
a. Enter the pump as oil and rotornya into the cylinder block.
b. Pasamg cap on the pump cylinder block and tighten.
c. Fit ascetics and strainer (strainer) oil on the cap connection
stariuer bias pipes at cylinder block.
d. Test the contents of the work function of inlet pump oil pump with a pump machine and rotated so that the oil flowing through the pump.
8. Install the timing chain and sprocket ·
a. Place the following components on nokken aces.
b. Connect the timing chain sprocket to sprocket axles and crutches nokken
Signs should be aligned parallel to the side as shown.
c. Be careful not to mistakenly connect the timing chain, sprocket truck axles and nokken aces.
d. Put the crutches as spaser pada.
e. Align keyway pada crutch dc and sprocket and then pairs
9. Install the pump chain sprocket
a. Put pegs on the oil pump shaft.
b. Put the player on the sprocket chain and sprocket crankshaft
pump oil. Then attach it to the oil pump shaft and crank shafts. Luruskam pasaknya.
c. Tighten the oil pump sprocket nut and bend the end plate
d. Put Stelan chain.
e. Insert the spacer and oil silinger pada pairs of crutches as with lips facing out.
f. Give the engine oil on the chain and sproketnya.

10. Install the chain guide and vibration dampers

a. Press a tensioner with a screwdriver and turn the sine-pin, DC
clockwise until a lock.
Do not forget to loosen the slide-pin after processing
b. Put the gasket on the left side of cylinder block.
c. Attach the chain guide and the vibration damper according to their position
Tighten the bolt-bolt.
11. Install the timing chain cover
a. Place the oil seal on the timing chain cover and dab grease on the oil seal lip

b. Basic siiinder gasket on the right block.

c. Pair closing timing on the block, Iuruskan dowel'pin (peg)
Tighten the bolt-bolt.
Cut the gasket remains prominent on the cap and chain
surface mounting and hood cylinder oil tanks
12. Install an oil bath
a. Clean the gasket surface on cylinder block and oil tanks.
b. Give silicone sealer on the cylinder block.
c. Place the gasket on cylinder block bam.
d. Put the oil basin-bolt and tighten the bolts gradually and evenly.
13. Assemble clutch
See explanation check clutch

14. Crankshaft pulley
a. Hold the flywheel with a flywheel holder.
b. Put the pegs and the crankshaft pulley on crankshaft.
c. Tighten the pulley bolts.
15. Install the cylinder head
a. Hold the camshaft sprocket and chain firmly with one hand
puter and the cylinder block facing up.
b. Put the sprocket and chain poms camp above the blade and the Slipper
vibration dampers.

Make sure the timing marks on camshaft sprocket and timing chain

c. Place a new cylinder head gasket cylinder block.

Do not apply a sealer on the surface of the cylinder head gasket
d. Place the cylinder head on the block and align dowel pain (pasaknya)

16. Install the camshaft (camshuft)
a. Apply engine oil on the surface of the cylinder camshaft support.
b. Install camshaft sprocket and put it into. Then put the camshaft into the cylinder head.

17. Assemble the valve lever (rocker arm) and its axis
a. Raft valve lever and its axis like the following picture.
b. Expose the surface of the ball on every flat tappet valve lever
c. Apply engine oil and lobe nokken aces.
d. Put the throttle lever that has been assembled to the header of cylinders.
e. Install header bolts cylinder (da | pm circumstances loose). The shift lever each exhaust valve is 1 mm from the midpoint of the valve stem facing the Frontal machine with cantilever shifting lever.
f. Tighten cylinder head bolts in three stages in sequence as the sequence Note:
Do not tighten the bolts once the header cylinder.

g. Tighten the bolt that connects the cylinder head and cap.

h. Put the spacer and distributor of dental player. Align pasaknya:
i. Tighten the lock nut and bend the lobes of the ring plate.
j. Measure speling nokken

18. Install the oil filter
a. Use a washcloth to membarsihkan surface on the engine.
b. Apply clean engine oil into new oil filter seal rust.
c. Place the oil filter and tighten by hand until the seal touches the surface rust holder.
d. Tighten the oil filter after the engine of life.
e. Check kocoboran oil after the engine of life.
f. Check the amount of oil and add if necessary.
19. Installing a gas station
a. Enter the booster as shown picture, and put a cork.
b. Install gaskets, insulation, and other gaskets on the block, then plug the pumps.
c. Tighten the bolt.
20. Install the suction channel
a. Place the gasket on the cylinder head.
b. Put the suction channel to the head of the cylinder and tighten murmurnya
21. Install karburutor
a. Install gaskets, insulators, gaskets, and carburetor sequentially,
b. Tighten the nut-nut it.
22. Install thermostats
a. Insert the thermostat into the suction channel,
b. Put the lid gasket and thermostat.
c. Tighten the bolt-bolt.
23. Installing distributor
a. Turn the crank shaft according to rotation cylinder no. I
pada l2 ° TDC, when the compression step. Marks the first line pulley
crankshaft alignment with the needle at the timing chain cover.
b. Align the mark on distributor and dental pemutarnya home.
c. Insert the distributor into the header of cylinders and connect the teeth.

d. Attach the distributor cap.
e. Tighten the fastener distributor.

24. Install water pump
a. Put the new gasket on the timing chain cover with water pump
b. Put the alternator shaft setter
c. Tighten the nuts murnya

25. Memusang cooling fan.
a. Install the fan pulley and water pump pulley on the boss.
b. Tighten the bolt-bolt.

26. Setting the timing chain

Use a screwdriver through the cavity of the header cylinder, rotate the launcher against the chain tensioner clockwise to loosen the arm penyetelnya

27. Valve gap adjustment
See valve adjustments on the engine tune-ups

28. Install lever valve cap
a. Put oil in a half circle in front and rear cylinders
with the sign "OUT" facing out.
b. Place the gasket on the cap lever valve.
c. Place the lid lever valve on the cylinder head and tighten the bolt
Reassemble the engine to the car
These steps are the opposite of pemasamgan engine let go. Installed after the engine do the following:
a. lsilah radiator with clean water;
b. lsikan karter oil to meet specifications.
c. Turn on the machine and check oil and water leaks.
d. Do tune-up according to its provisions.


1. Cylinder head bolts
Tighten bonnet bolts one by one cylinder in the order that is shown in Figure 5.3. See specifications tightening moment by moment models serviced toning machine

2. Slit valve
Check the valve gap with feeler gauge. See specifications slit valve engine serviced by capital
- Gap = suction valve. . .
- Cclah relief valve = ....
See the procedure more clearly on the tune-up machine

3. Nuts and remove the suction channel
Tighten the nut and remove the suction channel

Tightening moments see the service specifications in the appendix of this book.

4. Kipus strap (belt drive)
a. Check the fan belt worn or defective.
b. Stel or replace if necessary.
c. Check the fan belt flexibility between the water pump · alternator by pressing load 10 kg.
5th. Changing engine oil
a. Heat engines.
b. Open with engine oil filler cap for easy oil out. .
c. Open the flue stoppers out on karter.
d. Fill engine oil to achieving the sign F in oil measuring stick
Use oil SAE standard are permitted.

After engine start, check number and check the oil

exhaust leak stoppers.

6. Changing the oil filter
To install an oil filter, put a few drops of oil in the engine at
gasketnya. After that, tighten it by hand.

7. Cooling System
a. Check flaw tear and leak radiator hose.
b. Check how to work with the radiator cap pressure
103 Kpa (15 psi 1.05 kg/cm2). Use a radiator cap.

- Do not put pressure in more than 103 Kpa (15 psi 1.05 kg/cm2)

- Do not loose radiator cap when the engine heat.
- Wrap the radiator cap with a thick cloth when opened
- Time slowly loosen the radiator cap open-Iahan
to the top. After that, wait until the pressure is reduced and a new radiator cap is opened.

8. Changing the cooling water
a. Dispose of water-cooled engine with exhaust plugs, radiators off.
b. Load the new cooling water. Ensure clean, filled with water (clear).

9. Air filter element
a. Check the air filter element. Clean if there is dirt or dust with a spray of air.
b. Replace the element if it is damaged condition.

10. AIiran gasoline
a. Check the fuel delivery system at each of his connections from leaks. If there is a wet or dirty means there is a leak at the connection.
b. Replace if damaged hoses klemnya.

11. Replacing the fuel filter
Put the fuel filter according to the true direction of flow.

12. Platinum Distributor
a. Check the platinum surface. If it does not mean rubbing with sandpaper or a miser platinum.
b. Check the straightness of the contact. Stel platinum, if necessary. Adjustment mode platinum see tune-up machine.

13. A k i
a. Check the amount of battery water. Total battery water should be between the lower level (min) and upper level (max). If less, add to the distilled water.
b. Check the specific gravity of battery with a hydrometer. See how to check the specific gravity and battery condition at the tune-up machine

14. B u s i
a. Check the spark plugs from the fire, electrode thin, crusty, and porselinnya crack.
b. Measure the spark plug gap; stel or replace if necessary.

15. When the ignition
Check when the ignition. See procedures for checking and adjustment of the ignition when the engine tune-ups

16. Mechanism carburetor
Check carburetor mechanism. How to check and adjustment
mechanism described in the carburetor tune-up machine

17. Oil, hoses, and brake connection
Check whether the installation of brake fluid lines and connections correctly. Do any leaks, cracks, Iuka, abrasions, scratches or defects in the channel and connection Iain.

18. Brake fluid
Make sure brake fluid is always close to the line "MAX" on the tube
reserves, if necessary, add brake fluid to mark the line "MAX"

19. Brake pedal
a. Check brake pedal movement.
b. Measure the height of the pedals. If necessary, accompanied pedal height
by turning the brake light switch, then tighten mumya.
c. Measure the flange (spelling) pedals. If you need help stel by rotating the push rod (driver) and then the nut kencangkam penguncinya

20. Clutch pedal
a. Check clutch pedal movement waivers
b. Measure the height of the pedals. If you need to rerun stopemya stel, then tighten the nut penguncinya.
c. Loosen lock nut and the clutch fork stel speling. After that, tighten the nut penguncinya.
21. Disc brakes
a. Check calipers work from possible leaks.
b. Check for wear of the pad (pads).
c. Check the condition and thickness of the plate rail
22. Brake Tromol
a. Check for leaks sllinder wheel.
b. Check brakes for wear and damage to the canvas.
c. Check the condition and size and diameter of the inner surface
Tromol. Limit the thickness of the brake Canvas: 1.0 mm.
23. Power brake unit and brake hoses
a. Check the vacuum hose connection and 'check' valve of the cracks.
b. Check the brake power. To memerikanya, injaklah brake pedal, repeatedly until the pedal movement is unchanged. Then while stepping on the brake pedal, star machine. At that time the brake pedal should move down a bit.

24. Hand brake
a. Pull the handbrake stick with the strength of 10 kg. Measure the stick.
b. If necessary set of steps by rotating the stick adjustment nut.
25. Movement of the steering wheel and gear-housing
a. Check the speling wheel.
b. Check the steering system and clearances work gear housingnya
c. Check for oil leaks at the steering gear housing from which clung to her Iumpur

26. Steering mechanism
Check the steering mechanism of the damage and looseness. Check the following circumstances:
a. There is no move excessively on the tie-rod end.
b. Protective rust is not damaged.
c. The ends of the tie-rod is not loose and scattered fat.

27. Transmission oil
a. Check transmission oil leakage. When you find a leak, find the cause and fix it.
b. Open the cistern lid. Check transmission oil. reached the bottom of the hole serrations.

28. Grease the wheel bearings ·
a. Remove the outer and inner bearing hub.
b. Clean the bearings with solvent and spray with a compressor to clean.
c. Check the bearing and hub damage. Replace if necessary.
d. Give lithium grease for the following parts:
- The surface that rotates on the bearing.
- Between the bearing and oil seal.
- Lip oil seal.
- Close the fat.

29. Oli aksel rear
a. With a view, check out the oil leak on the rear aksel, if necessary to find a leak, find the cause and fix it.
b. Open the lid and check the oil filler hole to the bottom of the hole.
30. Suspension ball joint inspection
Check the ball joint looseness or leak damage the dam.
31. Tightening of bolts and nuts on chassis and body
a. Tighten all engine mounting bolts.
b. Tighten loose bolts and nuts
front suspension and rear specifications.
c. Check the wheel nuts. When you need to fix it by Moment
tightening of 9-11 kgm.


Some things that should always be considered in the activities
maintenance and repairs are as follows:

1. Always use a protective fender (fender), seats and
floor of the car if the car is clean and protected from damage
2. When the car needs to jacked, prepare first chock the wheels, place the jack,
and support in the right position

Charging system
Batteries with specific capacity, does not allow use continuous electricity supply to the machine or other components on the car. Therefore, the car needed a system that can charge the batteries back sekaiigus as a power source which supplies power directly to components needed at the time of engine start. This system is called the
charging. The main components include battery charging system, alternator; dem regulators,
1. Alternator
Alternator is a power generator, which converts mechanical energy from engine rotation into electricity. Alternative power supply when the car engine to start on. But if the amount of electricity consumption is greater than that produced by the alternator, the battery Come with the burden of electricity

memperllhatkan alternator construction,

Alternator driven by the crankshaft through a fan belt. This rotation alternator pulley, then rotornya will produce an electric current rotates back and forth on the stator. Alternating electric current is then converted into direct current by the diode circuit.

Alternator parts
a. PuIi
Puli function as a fan belt mover rotation of the crank shaft to turn the rotor motion.

b. Fan
Ramgkaian functioning cooling fan and coil diode
coil in the alternator.

c. Rotor
In the alternator, the rotor is the moving parts (spinning). In the rotor coil rotor there is a functioning causing magnetization. Fleas serve as nails in the rotor magnetic poles and two slip ring serves as an intermediary in the distribution of power to the rotor coils. Look at pictures

d. Stator Stator

consists of the stator core (core) and the stator coil is placed on the frame front and rear. Stator core is made of several layers of thin metal plates and has a groove on the inside to place a stator coil. Stator magnetic flux will flow supplied by the rotor core so
manner, so that the magnetic flux will produce a maximum effect at the time through the stator coil.

e. End frame
At the end there are the stator and rotor frame and the holes for cooling air mangalirkan.

f. Rectifiers
Rectifier is a series of six or eight diodes sedernikian a manner, which serves to change an alternating current (AC) generated a direct current (DC).

g. Regulators
The regulator serves a large set of electric current into the rotor coil, so that the voltage generated by the alternator fixed (constant) in accordance with predetermined prices, although the engine that drives the rotation changes. In addition, the regulator also serves on the battery charging when the battery has been fully and alternator can supply their own electrical current to the part that requires electrical current.

There are two types of regulators, namely

point type

and types without points (commonly called the regulator IC, image b), IC regulators have certain characteristics, namely:
- Small size and high output.
- Does not require adjustment of the voltage (voltage).
- Having the nature of temperature compensation for voltage control during battery charging and supply to the lights.

Ignition system with batteries

Ignition system of gasoline engines burn a mixture of functions
air and gasoline in the combustion chamber at the end of the compression step, so that the mechanical power generated due to combustion

shows the construction of the ignition system that uses
batteries as a power plug, called a battery ignition system
1. Ignition system components

a. Batteries
Battery as a provider of low voltage electric current (l2 V) to the coil.

b. Key contacts
On the ignition system, connect the ignition circuit from the battery to the ignition coil.

c. Ignition coil
Ignition coil serves to increase the voltage received from battery to high tegamgan (10.000 to 20,000 volts) required for ignition. To enhance the voltage at the ignition coil has two coils, namely:

1) The primary coil (primary coil)
Kumpamn primary function signition generate a magnetic field on the coil, resulting in induction coil coil. The character of this primary coil is a large cross section but the roll a bit (150-300 loops) and located on the outside of the secondary coil.

2) a secondary coil (secondary coil)
Functioning secondary coil induces a higher voltage which in turn flowed into the spark plug to generate pecikan fire. Characteristics of this coil has a small cross section with a twist that is very much (15000-30000 windings) and located adjacent to the primary windings.

Both coils are wound on an iron core (core) made of thin silicon steel rolled tight. To prevent short relationships (short circuit) between adjacent coil layers partitioned with paper that has a high insulation resistance.

One end of primary coil connected to the negative termnal primary, while the other end connected to the positive terminal of the primary. Secondary coil is connected in a similar manner, where one of them connected with the primary coil through (to) the positive terminal of the primary, while the other end is connected with high voltage through a spring

d. Distributor
Generally, the distributor serves to distribute high-voltage current from the ignition coil to the spark plugs - spark plugs located on each cylinder. In particular, the distributor function can be divided into four parts, namely the circuit breakers, parts distributors, governot
advancer, and the vacuum advancer

1) The circuit breaker

Consisting of breaker points (contact points) nok (camlobe) and condensers.

- Breaker point, serves to decide the electric current and connect the coil primary coil to the masses for an induction coil secondary coil.

- Nok (comlobe), works to bring order to the breaker points
disconnect and connect the electrical current in primary coil
coil. Construction breaker points and nok (camlobe) demonstrated

- Condenser

serves to eliminate or prevent the occurrence of spark at the breaker points.

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