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Repair of video recorders "Samsung VK-350" Don't on. The capacitor C110 (100m) is bad. And the zenner diod ZD101 (22V) i...
Sharp 14L-SC Symptom: Is not on. Fuse is normal. Cure: R702 3.9R 7W is open and shorted transistor Q701 2SD1884. Samsung VM3015 color...
Hitachi HM-4119D Monitor is not on, a fuse F1 is open. Check of D100, C103, C104, R100, R102, C105, D101, Q100, Q101, IC2, Q6, Q7, C13. Moni...
Datas NM 1449 Monitor is not on, a fuse F101 is open. Check of BD101, C107, C108, TH102, Q101, D101, D102. Monitor is not on, a fuse F101 is...
Daewoo CMC1418AD Monitor is not on, a fuse F801 is open. Check of C806, D801, IC801. Monitor is not on, a fuse F801 is good. Check R803, R8...
Samsung SyncMaster CQA4147, 4143, 4147, 4153 (L) Monitor is not on, a fuse FH601 is open. Check of PTC601, D601-D604, C604, R603, Q602, R622...
Acer 7134 Monitor is not on, a fuse F601 (3.15A) is open. Check of D601-D604, C605, C606, D606, Q601, R608, R621, R609, IC601. Monitor is n...